Data modelling

Data models are what define the structure of your content. They define what types of content you have - such as new articles, categories, information pages - and how they interact with each other - a news article might belong to a category.

Models consist of fields. Fields are the properties or attributes that your model possess. A news article might have title, date and content fields.

Creating a model

In a new project that has no models, you will be taken directly to the model creation screen.

Otherwise, you can get to the model section by using the top navigation bar: Content > Models

Give your model a name, the alias will automatically populate. If you want to change the alias you can.

Click the "Save changes" button to create your model.

Adding fields

With your model created, you can now start adding fields. Click the "New field" button.

You only need to specify the name, alias and type to create a field. The additional configuration will be discussed in later topics.

Field types


There are three sources of field validation. Validation is performed on Publish, not Save.

  1. Required

  2. Validation

  3. Min/max on multiple value fields

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